Appraisals & Valuations

We provide appraisal services to private and corporate tree owners, insurance companies, government agencies and attorneys to assist in establishing values for trees. Whether the tree is located in a residential landscape or is located on a woodlot, our experience and education in both forestry and arboriculture enables Wolf tree Specialists to determine the proper valuation for any circumstance.
Our appraisal services include tree and timber valuations due to damage and trespass action, theft of trees during timber harvesting, insurance claims, restitution, eminent domain actions, vandalism, land development ordinance compensation, estate and taxation valuations and damage due to automobile impact.
Call our office to find out more information regarding the tree valuation process and whether this procedure is the right way for you to proceed. Remember, trees have value and there are precedents established to find tree values. The experience and education of the appraiser is important when testimony in a court proceeding or a deposition is required.
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